Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"Accidental" Readers

Laura Jo eagerly reads (and excitedly shows to me) all of the signatures to the guest book on her web site, www.laurajophillips.com.  One thing that people seem to mention over and over is how they "stumbled" on her books, "found them by accident," or words to that effect.  One thing that these posts suggest to me is that one of the main ways people are finding Laura Jo's books is by browsing or by Amazon.com's recommendation process.  That is fine, and we are happy to get readers any way we can, but . . . .

Given how enthusiastic Laura Jo's readers seem to be, and given the number of you who are out there, how many MORE people would find these amazing books if more readers recommended them to their friends, gave them as gifts, blogged about them, wrote favorable reviews on Amazon and other seller web sites, and so on, spreading the word about this wonderful author and these fantastic stories out there that have love and romance and excitement and intrigue and and and and, so on?  We know that many of you are doing these things already, but if more of you did so, we can only imagine the readership that these books would find.

So, in light of the reception these books have found with readers (for which we are endlessly grateful), we would love to see what happens if a larger audience became aware of these books.  Any help we could receive from readers would be much appreciated.


  1. I have passed them on to my daughters and my friends - and anyone else that will listen. I love her books - and really think she should have as wide an audience as possible. I will keep running my mouth about how good her books are while waiting with baited breath for the next one. ;-)


    1. Many thanks for the good words, Teresa. Keep up the good work! Laura Jo is still working ten to twelve hours a day to finish up "The Bearens' Hope." The book keeps growing so it is a bigger project than the other novels were.

      Thanks again.

  2. Just thought I would let you know, my friends daughter was in town this weekend. She works for a Barnes and Noble - and is going to be recommending your books to her customers.

    1. We appreciate that very much. As excited as so many of Laura Jo's readers say they are about these books, I think we could get a lot more new readers through word of mouth. We are hoping that the price reduction on the first book and the bundle of thie first three books will help things along in that regard.
