OK, readers, it has been a long time since you have heard anything substantive from us. A lot has been happening, so this update is going to be a bit longer than usual.
First, I want to assure everyone that Laura Jo is very busy writing--at least eight hours a day, at least five and usually six or seven days a week. There was a bit of an interruption as she was heavily involved in closing down our office, but that is done and she is back at the computer and deeply immersed in the Thousand Worlds.
So, to the fans who keep posting on the web site (www.laurajophillips.com), sending emails, and posting comments on Amazon wondering when the next book is coming out, please understand that Laura Jo is working about as hard as anyone can work to produce these books as quickly as possible. Since October 2011, Laura Jo Phillips has published five, count 'em, FIVE full length novels consisting of a total of about 600,000 words. That is a HUGE output from an author and rivals the creative output of the most prolific authors in history. Laura needs a little bit of time to regroup and figure out where "The Soul-Linked Saga" is going next. So, while she is doing that, she has absolutely not stopped writing. Which brings us to . . . .
Second, we have some really big news about the upcoming books. Laura Jo has embarked on a new series! No, she is not dropping the Soul-Linked Saga, which absolutely will continue. BUT, the next book she publishes will be the first book of the new series called "The Orbs of Rathira."
I don't want to give away too much about the next book and the new series, but here is what I can tell you. Initially, you need to know that "The Orbs of Rathira" WILL be set in the Thousand Worlds--the same fictional universe as the other books. Readers of this new series will get the same detailed world-building in the same exciting and wonderful future/fantasy galaxy as the previous books. Next, those of you who have been asking if Karma is going to get a story of her own can rest easy, because Karma will be the heroine. Also, the new series, which is currently being planned as a trilogy, will have a somewhat different "sexual spin" than the others. While "The Soul Linked Saga" involved a mystic psycho-sexual bonding between three men and one woman, "The Orbs of Rathira" will center around an equally mystic and wonderful bonding, but the bond will be between one man and one woman.
Plus, those of you who liked the "I am not a cat" Sphin character from the last book will be pleased to learn that he plays a major role in the new series. From the chapters I have seen so far, he is just as wonderfully snooty as before.
We hope that the readers who have been so supportive of "The Soul Linked Saga" will enjoy "The Orbs of Rathira," and--perhaps--that there will be other readers for whom the multiple partner sexuality in the prior series was "a bit too much" who will find the single partner sensuality in the new series to be "just right." I think I can safely promise, though, that the love scenes in the new series will be plenty steamy.
As things stand right now, the plan is to write both series in parallel--that is, when Laura Jo gets the first "Orbs" book published, she will turn her attention to writing the next "Soul-Linked" book, and then write the next "Orbs" book, etc. There are circumstances that might change those plans, but that is the way Laura Jo is thinking right now.
The new series sounds intriguing,but so far everything that Laura Jo has written has been wonderful so I am sure this will be as well. Looking forward to new stories to read.