Sunday, October 14, 2012

Vulpirans' Sales Off to Fast Start!

Sales of The Vulpirans' Honor are off to a very fast start. Thank you, readers. Thank you, also, to the wonderful customer who already has a review up on ("AlwaysReading," did you stay up all night?). We are interested in hearing what readers have to say about this offering.


  1. The only thing that frustrates me about you Mrs Phillips is that I have to wait for the next instalment!

    I was a bit cautious to read 'The Vulprans' Honor' because of the whole husband-arima factor but was soon emerged back into the tantalising wold of 'The Thousand Worlds'.

    and your gorgeous little cliff hanger- very nice touch. Butterfly princess, I LOVE IT. Can't wait for the next really I cant wait! hurry up :) but i will be satisfied with the second book of 'Orbs of Rathira' :D :D :D so excited!

  2. Any updates for Soul-linked fans? I couldn't find any posts or blogs written after the 2012 holidays...

  3. Does anyone update any of your websites anymore??? I have read all of your Soul-Linked and Hearts of Icarus series in the last 3 months... I am wondering when the next book will be coming out?

    Also would love to know where I can stay up to date on your work, again all sites are very outdated.

